Acupuncture Cure for Chronic Constipation and Hyperacidity
Q.How does acupuncture affect the body ?
Recently, many studies have been done to understand the mechanism of acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system. It also has effects on circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke volume of the heart, gastric acid secretions and production of red and white cells. It also stimulates the release of a variety of hormones that help the body respond to injury and stress.
Q: What is the myth about constipation ?
Constipation occurs when stools are difficult to pass during bowel movements. Most people think "normal" means stools are passed daily. Actually, it is considered normal to have bowel movements anywhere from three times per day to three times per week, as long as the stools can pass easily.
Q: What are some symptoms of constipation ?
The chief symptom of constipation is the difficulty to pass a stool accompanied by cramping and rectal pain caused by strain of trying to pass hard and dry stools. Bloating, nausea, and sometimes the passing of a small amount of bright red blood are also consequences of constipation. The bleeding is due to the tearing of anus or hemorrhoids due to the hard and dry stools pushing through the anus. This type of bleeding is small in quantity and should stop when constipation is controlled. Constipation can alternate with diarrhea, when mucus and fluid leak out around the stool lodged in the rectum caused by the constipation.
Q: What are the causes of constipation ?
Constipation is mostly due to lack of fiber and inadequate water intake from daily diet. Traveling, lack of exercise, immobility due to illness or aging, certain medications or medical conditions (such as irritable bowel syndrome), overuse of laxatives, pregnancy, hemorrhoids, or delaying bowel movement can all lead to constipation.
Q: How can acupuncture treat constipation ?
According to TCM perspective, constipation may be caused by either an excessive or deficient condition. If the constipation accompanies abdominal distention and pain and irritability, it is mostly an excessive type and treatment is aimed to sedate the accumulation. If the constipation is accompanied by weakness (deficient type), treatment would aim to tonify the body’s energy field to induce energy circulation and therefore push out the stools.
Q: What is heartburn ?
Heartburn is a common form of gastric hyperacidity, causing burning sensation in the esophagus, or below the sternum in the heart region. It is one of the most common symptoms of indigestion.
Q: What is the cause of heartburn ?
The etiology of heartburn may be explained as the result of regurgitation of partial food contents from the stomach back into the esophagus, carrying excessive acidity (hydrochloric acid) secreted by the stomach. Due to its acidity, this irritates the esophagus and produces discomfort or pain with a burning sensation.
Q: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine’s perspective on gastric hyperacidity ?
According to TCM, gastric hyperacidity is usually the consequence of emotional stress disrupting the normal Qi (energy) pathways, leading gastric acid to be regurgitated from the stomach. Emotional stress can stimulate the vagus nerve (one of the cranial nerves controlling the stomach motion and secretion) which starts the secretion of various gastric juices and the contraction of stomach muscles causing heartburn.
Q: How can acupuncture treat heartburn ?
Acupuncture is aimed at the underlying cause rather than just the symptom itself. It is believed that unless the root of the cause is targeted, symptoms would only be alleviated, but will not be cured. Treatment is primarily focused on the relaxation of emotional stress to restore harmonized communication between the brain and stomach muscles. Secondary treatment principle is directed toward strengthening the transporting functions of the Stomach meridian.
Consulting Acupuncturist
M.D Ac.,M.Ac,S.I.Jaipur
Gold Medalist
Acupuncture Specialist
Basically an Ayurvedic Physician Awarded Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery. In 1981 Post Graduation Degree in Clinical Psychology from GurukulKangri University Haridwar.U.K. In 1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy M.D.Acupuncture.Practicing Acupuncture for last 25Years with Success.
Email :
Only By Appointment
Mobile : +91-9818098372
Phone : 0120-4216264
Q.How does acupuncture affect the body ?
Recently, many studies have been done to understand the mechanism of acupuncture. Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system. It also has effects on circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke volume of the heart, gastric acid secretions and production of red and white cells. It also stimulates the release of a variety of hormones that help the body respond to injury and stress.
Q: What is the myth about constipation ?
Constipation occurs when stools are difficult to pass during bowel movements. Most people think "normal" means stools are passed daily. Actually, it is considered normal to have bowel movements anywhere from three times per day to three times per week, as long as the stools can pass easily.
Q: What are some symptoms of constipation ?
The chief symptom of constipation is the difficulty to pass a stool accompanied by cramping and rectal pain caused by strain of trying to pass hard and dry stools. Bloating, nausea, and sometimes the passing of a small amount of bright red blood are also consequences of constipation. The bleeding is due to the tearing of anus or hemorrhoids due to the hard and dry stools pushing through the anus. This type of bleeding is small in quantity and should stop when constipation is controlled. Constipation can alternate with diarrhea, when mucus and fluid leak out around the stool lodged in the rectum caused by the constipation.
Q: What are the causes of constipation ?
Constipation is mostly due to lack of fiber and inadequate water intake from daily diet. Traveling, lack of exercise, immobility due to illness or aging, certain medications or medical conditions (such as irritable bowel syndrome), overuse of laxatives, pregnancy, hemorrhoids, or delaying bowel movement can all lead to constipation.
Q: How can acupuncture treat constipation ?
According to TCM perspective, constipation may be caused by either an excessive or deficient condition. If the constipation accompanies abdominal distention and pain and irritability, it is mostly an excessive type and treatment is aimed to sedate the accumulation. If the constipation is accompanied by weakness (deficient type), treatment would aim to tonify the body’s energy field to induce energy circulation and therefore push out the stools.
Q: What is heartburn ?
Heartburn is a common form of gastric hyperacidity, causing burning sensation in the esophagus, or below the sternum in the heart region. It is one of the most common symptoms of indigestion.
Q: What is the cause of heartburn ?
The etiology of heartburn may be explained as the result of regurgitation of partial food contents from the stomach back into the esophagus, carrying excessive acidity (hydrochloric acid) secreted by the stomach. Due to its acidity, this irritates the esophagus and produces discomfort or pain with a burning sensation.
Q: What is Traditional Chinese Medicine’s perspective on gastric hyperacidity ?
According to TCM, gastric hyperacidity is usually the consequence of emotional stress disrupting the normal Qi (energy) pathways, leading gastric acid to be regurgitated from the stomach. Emotional stress can stimulate the vagus nerve (one of the cranial nerves controlling the stomach motion and secretion) which starts the secretion of various gastric juices and the contraction of stomach muscles causing heartburn.
Q: How can acupuncture treat heartburn ?
Acupuncture is aimed at the underlying cause rather than just the symptom itself. It is believed that unless the root of the cause is targeted, symptoms would only be alleviated, but will not be cured. Treatment is primarily focused on the relaxation of emotional stress to restore harmonized communication between the brain and stomach muscles. Secondary treatment principle is directed toward strengthening the transporting functions of the Stomach meridian.
Consulting Acupuncturist
M.D Ac.,M.Ac,S.I.Jaipur
Gold Medalist
Acupuncture Specialist
Basically an Ayurvedic Physician Awarded Graduation Degree in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery. In 1981 Post Graduation Degree in Clinical Psychology from GurukulKangri University Haridwar.U.K. In 1985 Post Graduation Degree in Acupuncture Therapy M.D.Acupuncture.Practicing Acupuncture for last 25Years with Success.
Email :
Only By Appointment
Mobile : +91-9818098372
Phone : 0120-4216264
Holistic-Community UK
ReplyDeleteNice post! Acupuncture is an effective form of medical treatment that has evolved into a complete holistic health care system. Practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have used this noninvasive treatment method to help millions of people become well and stay well. Thanks.
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